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Mom always told us not to brag. But what can we say, we are so very proud of our babies!
We are registered with all four major associations, CFA, TICA CCA and ACFA. But we typically only show in CFA and ACFA due to geographic location. Each association tallies their points and titles a little differently. So there are different awards and terms for each. Ex: A GC title in TICA is not equivalent to a GC title in CFA.

2022-2023- CFA- Best Devon Rex in Midwest Region - Raynewood Duck Duck Goose of PureX
CFA- Best Devon Rex Kitten in Midwest Region - Kleora Lotus Blossom of PureX
CFA- 7th Best Devon Rex in CFA! - Raynewood Duck Duck Goose of PureX
2021-2022- CFA - Best Devon Rex in Midwest Region - Raynewood Duck Duck Goose of PureX
CFA -2nd Best Devon Rex in Premiership(Midwest Region) - Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
2020-2021- COVID- Border closed- No Shows(except in Jan 2020)
with just one show on the day she turned 4 months....
2nd Best Devon Rex Kitten in the Midwest Region(and by less than one point!) - PureX Bindi Lou Who
2019-2020 - CFA- Best Devon Rex in Premiership in the Midwest Region
- 4th Best Devon Kitten(the one show in 2020 before the border closed) in the Midwest Region
Purex My Fair Lady
2017-2018 - CFA- 11th Best Devon Rex in Premiership(ALL of US and Canada)- Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
CFA- Best Devon Rex in Premiership in Midwest Region(both these awards after just one show)
2016-2017- CFA- 7th Best Devon Rex In Premiership(ALL of US and Canada!)- Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
CFA- 2nd Best Devon in Premiership in the Midwest Region- Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
CFA- 2nd Best Devon Rex Kitten in the Midwest Region- Megarex Call Me Maybe of PureX
ACFA- 4th Best Alter(All Breeds!) in our Region- Megarex Talulah Myst Of PureX
ACFA- Best Devon Rex Alter in our Region- Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
2015-2016- ACFA- Best Devon Rex Alter in our Region- Megarex Talulah Myst of PureX
2014-2015- CFA- Best Devon Rex Kitten(Midwest Region)-Curlydolls Cant W8 2B King Of PureX (Chop)
**We do not include our "colour" awards in any association***
Devons as a breed, are allowed in all colours. Which means that frequently - any given colour or pattern combo can be the only cat of that colour/pattern in the breed. In Devons this means unfortunately those awards don't mean much as a result(a certificate to congratulate you for coming first in a class only that cat was in, doesn't hold a ton of water). In immensely popular breeds like Persians and Himalayans, it's another story. For this reason we choose to post only the awards that are breed or showing class related.