Retired Adults
Cats that have contributed to our PureX family and lineage.
Placed in loving homes, they will always have piece of our hearts.

GC Raynewood Duck Duck Goose Of PureX
Duckie's Optimal Selection DNA Results​
Born April 2021 Seal Silver Patched Mink Tabby and white
CMS and PKD Negative, "A" Blood Type(carries B)
Duckie is both our grandbaby and our great grandbaby(on opposite sides and unrelated cats)! Our foundation cats Carly and Fuzz had Gypsy, who had Bones, who had Duckie! She is such a loving well balanced gal! Duckie finished her Grand Champion title before she even turned 1 year old. She is an absolute treasure and we are so grateful to have had her contributions to our home and program. <3

GP Megarex Talulah Myst Of PureX
Born Dec 2012 - Black Smoke
CMS and PKD negative, "B" blood type
Talulah was an excellent mom, and you can see her babies and grand babies in some of the top catteries in north america. We have to thank both Jen Stanford of Megarex and Dolly Chamness of Curlydolls for letting us care for this incredible, and sweet attention hog! She is spayed and we show her in premiership classes because even now as a senior she really seems to enjoy the spotlight! Lulah now lives full time with our good friend Taylor in Winnipeg.

PureX Heaven Sent
Born August 2020 Lavender Mackeral Tabby
CMS and PKD Negative, A Blood Type
Eden is our keeper kitten from Violet and Jet! Due to COVID-19 we are unsure what her show career will look like, but are hoping to see some show halls in 2021!
Eden will be retired and headed to her forever home (to live with her actual litter sister!) in late Jan 2022.

CH PureX Candy Crush
Born March 2018- Chocolate Mink and White
CMS and PKD Negative, B Blood Type
Candy is our home grown chocolate mink lady! A Sassy and sweet little girl. She has grown into a laid back Devon and is now looking for her loving retirement home. She now resides with Dan and his family in Winnipeg.
CH WindingWay Winni-Peg Jet of PureX
Born March 2019- White
CMS and PKD Negative, "A" blood type.
Jet is our up and coming male. He comes from a wonderful breeder and friend, Elaine of Windingway. His mom Peg has done extremely well in the show ring and his half siblings have as well. We can't wait for this special boy to get his turn!

PureX Bindi Lou Who
Born Sept 2019 Chocolate Patched Tortie and white
CMS and PKD Negative, "B" Blood Type
Bindi, as she is aptly named is the keeper from the Brick and Annie pairing. Waiting excitedly to see how she develops and excited to have her low molting kitten coat in our lines. Bindi has raised two wonderful litters and will be headed to her retirement home with Kathy in late January 2022!

PureX My Fair Lady
Born July 2019 Chocolate Tortie and white
CMS and PKD Negative, B Blood Type
Eliza is our keeper kitten from the New York litter pairing of Brick and Candy. Due to COVID-19 we were not able to show her and so decided to place her in her patiently waiting forever home with Debbie A in Manitoba.

Megarex Violet Chachkitty of PureX
Born November 2018- Lavender Tortie
CMS and PKD Negative, A blood type
Violet is a stunning and sweet tortie from Megarex in New Jersey. She has some impressive cats in her lineage and we are very excited to have her!
She has been a wonderful mother to some beautiful kittens and we are excited to see what they get up to in their new show homes. As of December 2020, Violet will be in her loving retirement home with a devon sibling and Heather and family of Manitoba.

CH Nu-Moon Andromeda of PureX
Born May 2017- Lavender Lynx Point
CMS and PKD Negative, A blood type
Annie was a wonderful mother and has now been retired. Annie comes to us from Tina at Nu-moon and her parentage is from multi-time National award winning Jobara Devon Rex and a beautiful European line "Funny Elf". We are overjoyed to have this exceptionally affectionate girl! She is also Talulah's great granddaughter! Annie now resides with her loving family in Manitoba.

Tx-Elfkatz Yellow Brick Rd Of PureX
Born Sept 2016- Red and White
CMS and PKD Negative, "A" blood type.
Brick is our recently retired male. Hes been a delight to own and show and we are looking forward to showing him in Premiership/Alter classes. Brick now lives with Jordan in Winnipeg.

Raynewoods Fuzzasaurus Rex
Born March 2016- Chocolate Mink mackerel tabby and white
CMS and PKD Negative, "B" blood type.
Fuzz was one of our foundation males. What he lacked in profile he more than made up in coat and personality! He gave us beauties like Gypsy(at Raynewood) and Candy. Fuzz now lives with members of our family in Toronto.

SilverMark Imposible Girl of PureX
Born May 2016- Silver Tabby
Clara was our American Shorthair female and mom to our outcross Dragons litter with Brick. She is Panda's grandmother and retired back to her motherland of Minneapolis Minnesota!

PureX Imagine Dragons
Born April 2018- Silver Tabby and White Male
CMS and PKD Negative, "A" blood type
Draco is our F1 Devon outcross between Clara and Brick. He gave us 3 wonderful outcross kittens, Panda who you can read about on our "Females" page, Poet who is one of the studs at Permarex Devon Rex in the USA and Echo who is loved by Raynewood Devon Rex in the USA. Draco now spends his time being spoiled by his new dad Peng in Winnipeg.

PureX One For All
Born Sep 2020 "B" Blood type
Fourth generation PureX cat, makes this little guy, a very special boy indeed. A sweet boy, born a singleton to Eliza, he was lucky to have half siblings to grow up with and knows how to properly socialise with other cats. We decided as hard as it was to remove him from our breeding program before he had the chance to have kittens. While healthy, his coat quality wasn't up to our standards. He has found a perfect home with Tracy in BC.

Raynewood Hershey's Kiss of PureX
Born May 2019- Chocolate and white
CMS and PKD Negative, "B" blood type.
Hershey is our grand kitten. His mom is Gypsy, who is out of Carly and Fuzz. He gave us some incredibly sweet kittens. He loves dogs and is a laid back man, just like his gramps. He's made himself at home with Erin and family in Winnipeg

NuMoon's Nevermore of PureX
Raven's Optimal Selection DNA results
Born September 2022 Black
CMS and PKD Negative "A" Blood type(carries B)
Raven is from the last litter of our boy Thunder who went to live in Utah a few years ago. This means she is only one generation from our foundation pair of Carly and Fuzz! She has given us a beautiful daughter, Torrance, who will continue her legacy. She has been retired to our previous adopter Shauna's extended family in Ontario in Sept 2024.
You might be curious about her DNA results! The most succinct way to explain it is that this particular genetic marker(Factor XII deficiency) is relatively new to the Wisdom panel screening. Which means any cats tested prior to a couple of years ago(around 2020) will not show a marker even if they have one. Factor XII deficiency, also known as Hageman deficiency, is the most common congenital coagulopathy among cats. Although common among bleeding disorders, this condition is asymptomatic(meaning no symptoms),
As you will read below there is even thoughts it can have protective effects in some situations, and at this time is just a marker to note!
Some handy articles/research about it for anyone who might be curious:

Megarex Call Me Maybe of PureX
Born April 2016- Tortoiseshell
CMS and PKD Negative, "B" blood type.
Carly gave us some spectacular babies, and even though she won regional awards as a kitten she decided that a home life with a loving family and kids was more her speed instead of the show hall. Carly now resides with Robynn and family is Saskatchewan.

Jobara's Piano Man of PureX
Billy's Optimal Selection DNA Results
Born November 2020- Seal Silver Lynx Point
CMS and PKD Negative, A blood type.
Billy spent 3 years as our main stud man and hails all the way from Jobara Devon Rex in Utah! He boasts numerous Breed Winners, National Winners and naturally Grand Champions in his pedigree. We are beyond grateful and blessed to have had him join our program. He has earned his retirement and is presently learning what neutered pet life is all about.