What to expect from a PureX Kitten
A PureX Kitten's purchase price includes the following....
Your Kitten
Leaving no earlier than 16 weeks of age. This is an important time for socialization for your kitten, even though they have mostly been physically weaned prior to this point. It also allows time for immunity to develop, and it will absolutely not effect the bonding experience you will have. If you would like to read about this further, please click here) .
Their Spay or Neuter
Done prior to going home, -no exceptions-.
If you would like more information on spay or neuter under 6 months of age for CATS, please click here or here. It is VERY important to note that cats and dogs are inherently different physiologically and biologically in terms of how they grow and mature. It is therefor important to research CATS and not dogs when learning about this.
All first year vaccinations and deworming
This includes their 3 boosters and three dewormings. Rabies will be given only if the new owner requests it, as it has to be timed correctly with other vaccinations. Additional charge will apply for the vaccine itself. Vaccine records will be provided.
Kitten will be microchipped and microchip information along with tag and numbers will be provided. New owners are listed as contact #1, PureX Devon Rex must be listed as contact # 2
Four Veterinary Exams/Checkups
4 exams with a licensed veterinarian. These are done that the same time as the vaccines and spay/neuter.
Donation to Rescue Siamese
Out of the purchase price of every kitten, $100 dollars is donated directly to Rescue Siamese. We want to support the great work of this long standing breed specific rescue in Winnipeg. Despite their name they are often the go to for other provincial establishments when purebred or visible breed cats (of any breed) find themselves in shelter care. This is how we (PureX) not only prevent cats from entering the shelter system but also help support the cats that need care.
Donation to Devon Rex HCM research at NCSU****
We will adjust pricing accordingly when a dedicated Devon research has been formally announced. But is not included until further notice*******
Additionally out of the purchase price of every kitten, $100 dollars is donated to HCM research in the Devon Rex. Currently this research is run by Dr. Kate Meurs at the North Carolina State University and is piggy backing on the gene her team found in Sphynx which has also been found in Devon Rex. In order to determine important information relevant to Devons, further research is required.
6 weeks of Pet Insurance with Petsecure
(For Canadian adopters only at this time). Additionally, copies of the medical records from the veterinarian will be included for insurance underwriting purposes.
2 Year Congenital Health Guarantee
We ask that you please read it in detail and feel free to ask if you would like an advance copy. Any questions you may have are welcome!
6 year HCM guarantee
Further to the general health guarantee..... If within the first 6 years of a kitten's life it is diagnosed via echocardiogram with HCM (by a licensed veterinarian) and passes away as a result of HCM prior to their 6th birthday we will offer a new kitten from different parents. Please read our contract for more details!
Lifetime Breeder Support
Every single one of our kittens is part of our extended family, and we will always want to know how they are doing and how you are enjoying them or if you have any questions.
Registration Papers
Kittens will all go home with CFA registration papers(these registration papers are now handled by CFA's email service and will arrive in your email inbox when kitten goes home). If you would like to show your cat in another association, like TICA, CCA or ACFA we can make arrangements for those papers as well.
Take-Home "Kitten Kit"
Some goodies to take home! Starting with a folder for kitten documentation, sometimes coupons and a blanket or bed and some toys
Lastly, this is not our business. This is our hobby and our passion. We are PROUD of the fact that we do not simply produce as many kittens as possible to fill the demand. We do not have many litters annually as a result.
This means we virtually always have a waiting list.
(See the kittens page for more information on the wait)If you would like to be considered, please fill out an application.
We select our cats for temperament, health and conformation to standard alike. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please submit questions through the contact us page.
Beginning in June 2024 Our kittens are $2700 Canadian dollars.
Please note that all of our kittens are the same cost, regardless of gender/colour/pattern, or type(pet or show quality) as this cost is directly related to what it costs to raise them.
We do NOT take deposits for our waitlist (see FAQ page for further details on why), but once a kitten has had its first checkup(typically at or around 8 weeks), and you've met and selected a kitten(in person or by live-video meet and greet) we require a 50% non-refundable deposit to hold the selected kitten.